Tuesday, January 13, 2009

If Israel is Trying to Commit Genocide, It Must Have the Most Incompetent Army in the World

The facts: 18 days of war, 900 Palestinians killed (of which many are Hamas terrorists), in a tiny area one fifth the size of Toronto packed with 1.5 million people.

Everywhere I go on the net lately and every newspaper I pick up contains accusations hurled against Israel that include genocide. For example, here is the president of the UN General Assembly, the Marxist Catholic liberationist from Nicaragua, saying it: http://english.aljazeera.net/news/americas/2009/01/200911321467988347.html

And here is an article from Jim Wallis's famously left-wing blog humbly entitled: "God's Politics:" http://www.sojo.net/blog/godspolitics/2009/01/08/5096/

Duane Shank, to his great credit, says in this article that no one has a right to say that Jews should be wiped out or that Israel has no right to exist. But remember, he is writing in a rabidly left-wing setting and the comments indicate that his is a minority position. They consist mostly of constant, unrelenting attacks on Israel, re-writing of history, loose and undefined emotive terms like "genocide" and many calls for the same goal as Hamas has - the dismantling of Israel as a Jewish state (which would likely lead to Jews having to flee the country or be murdered).

I have not had many occasions recently to be proud of my country, but this action the by the Canadian government made me glad to be a Canadian: http://www.thestar.com/article/569872

But why was Canada alone on this one? The recent decision of the Left to turn against Israel is disgusting and dangerous. But then again, it was that great man of the Left, Hitler, who did it first. And Stalin gave it a good shot too. The Left is quickly losing whatever high ground it once occupied.

So Israel is trying to commit genocide. Well, if so, they must be pretty bad shots. Carpet bombing Gaza City for two weeks as the US and Britain did to German cities in 1945 would be the way to do it - the casualties would be in the hundreds of thousands at least. But attacking a terrorist organization devoted to wiping out Israel and which has been killing civilians by firing rockets randamly into populated areas for months: that is genocide. I suppose the Jews who fought back against the Nazis in the Warsaw Ghetto were also committing genocide. Does anyone know what the word "genocide" even means?

In the article Duane Shank quotes a story about Dr. Martin Luther King:

"During an appearance at Harvard University shortly before his death, a student stood up and asked King to address himself to the issue of . The question was clearly hostile. King responded, “When people criticize Zionists they mean , you are talking anti-Semitism.”

When the Left has to disagree with Martin Luther King in order to justify their hatred of Israel, you know they are getting desperate.


Marie Devine Divine-Way said...

The only politics that has true power is truth.
The Pope needs to correct his church; they fulfilled Daniel's prophecy and changed times and seasons. That distorted Jesus as though he ended the Law of Moses. Only a false prophet was to do that

Muhammad was sent in 600+AD to say follow the whole Bible, not part. Jesus said to live by EVERY word of God. God told Moses not to add or take away from the word of God he gave him. Jesus gave understanding, not new teaching. He came to restore what was lost. All prophets came saying follow what is written, not the errors passed down.

Exodus 20: Ten Commandments says not to make images and to keep the 7th day, the Lord's day, a Sabbath of no work for anyone. Exodus 12: New Year and Passover commands. Leviticus 23: God's commanded Holy Feasts and memorial celebrations, and more Sabbaths of no work. (not to be changed or added to). Jesus comes again when His enemies are under His feet. His enemies are those who refuse to follow the word of God, the same yesterday, today and forever.

There will be no peace until we turn to restore God's laws and follow them.

Sam Adams said...

Craig, I can see how it is clearly wrong to condemn Israel for "genocide" yet even if 900 is a small percentage of the Palestinian population it seems hardly proportional given the ineffective rocket launches by Hamas and the captive state of the Palestinian people. How can anyone praise Israel's actions? Furthermore, it seems clear also that to criticize Israel is not necessarily the same as praising Hamas. Both are bound up in a cycle of violence from which peace is the least likely outcome. And how does your support of the Canadian position represent "the politics if the cross?"

Craig Carter said...

I cannot accept the moral equivalence of what Hamas wants and does and what Israel wants and does. If the Arabs had accepted the UN partition of Palestine in 1947, there would have been peace.

The Arabs conquored this territory by force in the 7th century and they lost part of it by force in 1918 and 1947. Either they accept a two-state solution or they continue the war. Israel is not going away; nor should it. Israel wants peace, but you can't have peace with Hamas shooting rockets that are getting closer and closer to their only International Airport.

I believe that anti-Semitism is on the rise in Europe and around the world. There is a tendency to blame the Jews whenever things get rough. The Holocaust was so devestating because the Jews did not have a homeland and the world must ensure that this never happens again.

The Palestinian people have only themselves to blame. They elected Hamas. Why didn't they start an alternative political party to the corrupt party of Arafat? Nothing is stopping them. But they preferred to elect a death cult that glories in "martyrdom" and violence to govern them. Until the Palestinian people themselves solve this problem, nothing will change. The world can't do it for them. They must choose a non-corrupt political leadership that sincerely wants peace with Israel. Only when this happens will there be peace.

The Church cannot make peace happen in the Middle East. But the Church can avoid lies and anti-Semitism. We must not join in the criticism of Israel that erupts whenever the Arab terrorists goad them into taking a measured police action to restore a tolerable, if shaky, peace.

Sam Adams said...

Craig, I'd be very interested in your take of a recent book by Alain Epp-Weaver called, "States of Exile:Visions of Diaspora, Witness, and Return" published by Herald Press. In it he argues for a one-state solution, suggesting that the prophetic tradition of Jeremiah and Isaiah, along with a theology of exile, points toward the conclusion that the people of God are called to adopt an exilic existence--even in their homeland. He is heavily influenced by Yoder and it would be very interesting to hear your take.

Your post on this subject seems very political (in a secular sense) without being very theological...


Craig Carter said...

Well, if you don't see that the root of my post is a theologically-based opposition to anti-Semitism and anti-Judaism, then I despair of trying to explain it.

I have not read the book you mention, but the idea you express sounds oddly similar to the Medieval concept of the Jew being fated to wander the earth like Cain until the Second Coming as punishment for the sin of rejecting Jesus.

I would like to know how you would respond to the observation that a one-state solution with an Arab majority in Palestine would put the Jews in roughly the same situation as they were in Germany in 1933. Would you advocate the US going to war to prevent a second Holocaust? Would you expect Europe to accept the entire population of Israel as immigrants? Or would you expect Hamas, Hizbollah and co. to suddenly become Jew loving, moderate, advocates of peaceful co-existence?

Sam Adams said...

You jump too quickly to antagonistic conclusions! A Yoderian response to the Israel/Palestine conflict certainly would be anything but Anti-Semitic. I suggest Epp-Weaver's book as a helpful contribution to the conversation. And I still do not see how you have brought "the politics of the cross" to bear on this issue--whether Augustinian or Yoderian. Israel as a nation-state is as deserving of critique as any other nation-state and the accusation of anti-Semitism is a conversation stopper that is not helpful. A one-state solution would have to assume a radically different approach to the Arab-Israeli conflict that took the long hard road of reconciliation as its goal and a willingness by both parties to absorb some of the violence on both sides. But the cross suggests that such reconciliation is possible...and, for the Christian, this is the sort of thing we are called to bear witness to.
