Tuesday, March 24, 2009

More Damning Evidence on the Ineffectiveness of Condoms and the UN Coverup

The National Catholic Bioethics Center in the US has more on the "Condom Scandal."

Apparently, the UN AIDS Agency tried first to alter, then to cover up scientific evidence that showed the ineffectiveness of condoms and the effectiveness in partner reduction in halting the spread of HIV infection in Africa. The researchers (Hearst and Chen) had to publish in Studies in Family Planning (a major peer-reviewed journal) in order to get the message out.

This scandal is now spreading to include the UN, the Western media, condom manufacturing companies and pro-homosexuality advocacy groups. The liberal Protestant churches and liberal, dissenting Catholics are also deeply implicated. Only the much maligned Evangelical and Catholics AIDS activists have been following the best strategy for reducing the pandemic and they have been getting blasted for sticking to their guns in the face of propoganda and ideologically-driven opposition. This is a matter of life and death and it is shocking. Nobody should complain when we use the phrase "culture of death" to describe what the modern West is in the grip of - ever again.

Here is an abstract of the article in question, entitled, "Condom Promotion for AIDS Prevention in the Developing World: Is it Working?" by Hearst and Chen

Here are some excerpts from a fascinating article from The East African entitled "UN AIDS and the Myth of Condom Efficacy Against AIDS."

"In 2003 Dr Hearst and his research assistant Sanny Chen, then of San Francisco’s Department of Public Health, carried out an extensive literature review commissioned by UNAids on the effectiveness of condoms in preventing the spread of HIV virus in sub Saharan Africa and other developing regions.

The initial report, titled: Condoms for Aids prevention in the developing world: A review of the scientific literature, concluded that although condoms were about 80 per cent to 90 per cent effective as a public health strategy in halting the spread of Aids in some concentrated epidemics (epidemics affecting men who have sex with men, injecting drug users and commercial sex workers) in places like Thailand and Cambodia, condoms were seen as ineffective in preventing the spread of HIV/Aids in generalised epidemics like those taking place in Eastern and Southern Africa.

“These findings surprised us and were not what UNAids wanted to hear at all,” recalls Dr. Hearst who says that his report provoked serious debate within UNAids."

Critics of the organisation believe that the facts unearthed by Norman Hearst and others were simply too hard for UNAids to swallow since they contradicted the organisation’s belief system — that condoms and not behaviour change are the ultimate solution to preventing the spread of the pandemic in sub Saharan Africa and other developing regions. In short, it was a clear case of ideology taking precedence over epidemiological facts.

“Top brass at UNAids have admitted to me privately that they knew in the 1990s that in Africa, long term concurrent relationships were more dangerous than casual/commercial ones,” laments Helen Epstein, speaking from her home in Harlem, New York. Epstein is the author of the recent book The Invisible Cure: Africa, the West and the fight against Aids.

They knew since the 1990's? They knew what to do and didn't do it? And they have the nerve to spew out hate against the Catholic Church for doing the right thing? They have the nerve to mislead naive members of the public into thinking that the Pope was wrong?

Here is another scientific article by Helen Epstein entitled "AIDS and the Irrational" from BMJ, an online, international, peer reviewed medical journal.

There are some other links at the bottom of this article to other articles. Once you start poking around, you realize that the relevant information is all over the place. It is no great secret. Here is a link to Helen Epstein's book, The Invisible Cure: Why We are Losing the Fight Against AIDS in Africa.

and Edward C. Green's more positive book: Rethinking AIDS Prevention: Learning from Successes in Developing Countries http://www.amazon.ca/Rethinking-AIDS-Prevention-Successes-Developing/dp/0865693161/ref=wl_it_dp?ie=UTF8&coliid=I1YI5ZFMTDWKEP&colid=CE1OCRDGD0GI

(Apparently what the average Joe can scare up on the web in a couple of hours is inaccessible to The Times of London.)

Finally, take a look at this clip from a TV show in the UK in which a Catholic woman who obviously knows what she is talking about gets ambushed by a host posing as moderator. She is shouted down and the lies are so thick it is sickening. Then tell me rational debate is possible on this issue. http://the-hermeneutic-of-continuity.blogspot.com/2009/03/auntie-joanna-ambushed-comes-out.html

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