Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Next Stop on the Slippery Slope: Pedophilia

The culture wars still rage in the US over homosexuality and same-sex marriage, but the next step on the slippery slope is already coming into view. Once homosexuality is successfully mainstreamed, the next frontier inevitably will be pedophilia.

The Daily Caller reports in an article entitled: "Conference aims to normalize pedophilia":

If a small group of psychiatrists and other mental health professionals have their way at a conference this week, pedophiles themselves could play a role in removing pedophilia from the American Psychiatric Association’s bible of mental illnesses — the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM), set to undergo a significant revision by 2013. Critics warn that their success could lead to the decriminalization of pedophilia.

The August 17 Baltimore conference is sponsored by B4U-ACT, a group of pro-pedophile mental health professionals and sympathetic activists. According to the conference brochure, the event will examine “ways in which minor-attracted persons [pedophiles] can be involved in the DSM 5 revision process” and how the popular perceptions of pedophiles can be reframed to encourage tolerance.

Researchers from Harvard University, the Johns Hopkins University, the University of Louisville, and the University of Illinois will be among the panelists at the conference.

B4U-ACT has been active attacking the APA’s definition of pedophilia in the run up to the conference, denouncing its description of “minor-attracted persons” as “inaccurate” and “misleading” because the current DSM links pedophilia with criminality.

As you may recall, this is exactly the same tactic used to get the APA to drop "homosexuality" from its list of mental illnesses and add "homophobia" instead. Nothing changed in terms of research or understanding of homosexuality; a group of political activists simply co-opted science through methods of intimidation. Now it is happening again.

Note that academics from major universities are involved in promoting this horrible evil.

And if you think that social disapproval of pedophilia is so strong it could never be overcome by activists, please remember that millions of people said the same thing about homosexuality as recently as 20 years ago. There are definite signs that our society's hatred of pedophilia is diminishing. How could it not in such a relativistic climate?

Check out this recent picture from a recent issue of the French Vogue magazine. The girl is ten years old and already an erotic object for men.

Pedophilia is just another step down the ladder of sexual perversion and is inevitable when a society refuses to acknowledge the plan of the Creator for the expression of sexuality within a loving, permanent, heterosexual marriage that is open to new life.

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